The law of..
What the heck is that?
The Law of Attraction. Universal Laws govern the Universe. They are basic principles of life and have been around since Creation. They are laws of the Divine Universe. Universal Laws apply to everyone, everywhere. They cannot be changed. They cannot be broken.
The Universal Law of Attraction (LOA) is the most powerful law in the universe. It is simple in concept but practice is necessary. But once you "get it", there is no looking back! It will be part of you forever. The simplest definition of this law is "like attracts like." Other definitions include:
You get what you put your energy and focus on, whether wanted or unwanted. The Law of Attraction is neutral.
All forms of matter and energy are attracted to that which is of a like vibration.
You are a living magnet.
Energy attracts like energy
"That which is like unto itself is drawn." Abraham-Hicks
The Law of Attraction is fun to learn and use because you are always watching, waiting expectantly for your desires to manifest. You can deliberately use this law to create your future!
Universal Law of Attraction
This universal law is working in your life right now, whether you are aware of it or not. You are attracting the people, situations, jobs and much more into your life. Once you are aware of this law and how it works, you can start to use it to deliberately attract what you want into your life.
How do you create your desires using the powerful law? There are just a few basic steps.
1. Ask
2. Source says YES!
Most of you who begin this deliberate creation beat up on yourselves too much and we would like to let you off the hook by saying to you that LOA (law of attraction) is a very powerful thing. And you can't fight LOA.
You just have to let LOA play out as it will. So if you have a habit of thought, LOA is going to bring more of that thought to you which means you're probably going to think that thought more. And as you think that thought more you're going to have more of those feelings and LOA is going to bring you more of that stuff. It's sort of like being mad at gravity. Damn - everytime I jump in the air I come right down. And we say it helps to accept gravity. It helps to acknowledge that this is the way gravity works and in time you learn to deal with it.
You learn that there are many more benefits to it than there are detriments to it. And LOA is the same way. In time you come to realize its consitent nature is very beneficial to you so you don't ride around in the discomfort of LOA, instead you let it work for you.
Abraham-Hicks 2/7/99
All quotes are copyright Abraham-Hicks Publications.
Visit the official Abraham site at: http://www.abraham-hicks.com/
Abraham-Hicks Publications P.O. Box 690070 San Antonio, TX 78269
"There is nothing that you can not be, or do, or have." ~ Abraham
If you would like to learn more about the Law of Attraction, visit Wealth Beyond Reason. You can start to learn and apply the powerful Law of Attraction for success in your life now. Bob Doyle has this program. He was also in "The Secret."
I hope this clears up any confusion as to what Law of Attraction is! The great this is we can create our own future!!
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