"So you’re so angry at your mate, or your mother, or someone... someone you work with, someone you work for. And they just seem to be ruining your life, Because they will not change their behavior. You do not seem to be important enough to them to change their behavior which hurts your feelings a great deal.
And then you discover “Wait a minute! They don’t have to change a thing in order for me to feel better. I can start looking for positive aspects. I can look for things within them that make me feel good.”... “Oh that’s impossible” you say... “there is so much that is bad and not much that’s good. In fact I haven’t seen a glimmer of anything that’s good for so very long.” And we say, there are other subjects to which you could give your attention. “Well maybe” you say reluctantly. “My dog. My dog is easy to love.. or my cat.” And we say... do whatever it takes to find something to be your object of attention. And as you give your attention to something that allows you to feel good, you’ve done something about this relationship that was bothering you. In fact, if you will make it your work to feel good, every relationship that you have will be one that pleases you.
...So that when you come together with this person or these people that what they mostly show you is that part that is most active in your vibration - did you hear that? What they mostly show you is the part that is most active in YOUR VIBRATION!.. It’s such a wonderful thing... did you hear that? What they keep showing you is the part of them that is most active in YOUR vibration. And all this time you thought it was their doing!"
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