Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Ignore what people think about you

Anytime what someone else thinks about you becomes more
important than your own balance with self, you are in a
less-than-healthy position. Anytime you take action to try to
manipulate or affect others' opinions or attitudes toward you, you are
in a less-than-healthy position, because you are replacing your own
Guidance System with their opinion.
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Now, what is a limiting belief? A limiting belief is a belief that contradicts your desire. That's it. Well, how did you get those beliefs? You just picked them up along your physical trail, and now you drag them everywhere you go. Do you do it deliberately? Do you say, "I think I will carry limiting beliefs around with me, to keep me from thriving, to keep me from being clear minded, to keep me from being safe, to keep me from being well, to keep me from being prosperous. I think I will just pick through the rubble of physical human experience, and I will just gather up a whole parcel of things that don't serve me well. And I'll carry them around and pass them on from generation to generation, and I'll make my life miserable with them and, hopefully, I'll pass them on to my children who will do the same?"
It's not like that at all, is it? Not one of your limiting beliefs did you pick up deliberately intending to do yourself or someone else harm. You did not do any of this in a deliberate way, you did it in an in-deliberate way, because you did not understand the power of your emotions. You did not believe that feeling good meant that it was good for you.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Law Of..

The law of..
What the heck is that?
The Law of Attraction. Universal Laws govern the Universe. They are basic principles of life and have been around since Creation. They are laws of the Divine Universe. Universal Laws apply to everyone, everywhere. They cannot be changed. They cannot be broken.
The Universal Law of Attraction (LOA) is the most powerful law in the universe. It is simple in concept but practice is necessary. But once you "get it", there is no looking back! It will be part of you forever. The simplest definition of this law is "like attracts like." Other definitions include:
You get what you put your energy and focus on, whether wanted or unwanted. The Law of Attraction is neutral.
All forms of matter and energy are attracted to that which is of a like vibration.
You are a living magnet.
Energy attracts like energy
"That which is like unto itself is drawn." Abraham-Hicks
The Law of Attraction is fun to learn and use because you are always watching, waiting expectantly for your desires to manifest. You can deliberately use this law to create your future!
Universal Law of Attraction
This universal law is working in your life right now, whether you are aware of it or not. You are attracting the people, situations, jobs and much more into your life. Once you are aware of this law and how it works, you can start to use it to deliberately attract what you want into your life.
How do you create your desires using the powerful law? There are just a few basic steps.
1. Ask
2. Source says YES!
Most of you who begin this deliberate creation beat up on yourselves too much and we would like to let you off the hook by saying to you that LOA (law of attraction) is a very powerful thing. And you can't fight LOA.
You just have to let LOA play out as it will. So if you have a habit of thought, LOA is going to bring more of that thought to you which means you're probably going to think that thought more. And as you think that thought more you're going to have more of those feelings and LOA is going to bring you more of that stuff. It's sort of like being mad at gravity. Damn - everytime I jump in the air I come right down. And we say it helps to accept gravity. It helps to acknowledge that this is the way gravity works and in time you learn to deal with it.
You learn that there are many more benefits to it than there are detriments to it. And LOA is the same way. In time you come to realize its consitent nature is very beneficial to you so you don't ride around in the discomfort of LOA, instead you let it work for you.
Abraham-Hicks 2/7/99
All quotes are copyright Abraham-Hicks Publications.
Visit the official Abraham site at:
Abraham-Hicks Publications P.O. Box 690070 San Antonio, TX 78269
"There is nothing that you can not be, or do, or have." ~ Abraham
If you would like to learn more about the Law of Attraction, visit Wealth Beyond Reason. You can start to learn and apply the powerful Law of Attraction for success in your life now. Bob Doyle has this program. He was also in "The Secret."
I hope this clears up any confusion as to what Law of Attraction is! The great this is we can create our own future!!Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Your inner being

Tom Murasso September 15 at 3:38am
Your emotions are not from your physical world. They come forth from the inner world and are directly communicated to you from your Inner Being. As you are feeling positive emotion - such as love, peace, happiness, joy, excitement, exhilaration... it is your Inner Being communicating to you in that moment that you are feeling the emotion - that your thoughts are in harmony with that which you are wanting, As you are experiencing negative emotion - such as fear or doubt, anger, hatred, jealousy, stress, guilt, anxiety... it is a communication from your Inner Being telling you that in that moment - that which you are focused upon is not in harmony with what you are wanting.
"A New Beginning, Volume 1"
Abraham-Hicks Publication
Monday, September 21, 2009

Nina Ferrell September 20 at 7:10am
There are two ways to know what's in the process of manifesting.
One is to wait until it manifests and check it out.
We call that "Post-manifestational awareness." [laughter]
And the other is to be aware of the way you are feeling.
Now in the beginning, when you are first beginning to get a handle on your emotions, you're not so adept at sensing what's going on. The more you get in the vortex, the more adept you get at sensing what's going on, the more sensitivity you'll have and the more you'll be able to head things off before they blow up.
Philadelphia 6/11/09
Clarifying this blog!

No one has to read this blog!
We pray blessings of hope on you. Positive energy will help with your stress and unhappiness in your own life. It is sad when people have to criticize our way of doing things because they are insecure!
We have read that there has been some confusion as to what this blog is! Please let me share...
We have made this blog a blog of upbeat and encouraging quotes and uplifting suggestions from the people of the Abraham Hicks groups all over the web. I hope that they encourage all of you that read this...
Negative energy is not something that should be gathered from this blog!
We wish you all peace and encouragement from what We paste!
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tom Murasso September 17 at 3:02am
If you can get this thing we are going to say to you next, your life will be blissful from this point forward.
If you can be happy in anticipation of what's coming, you'll be happy
forever more. And everything you want will come quickly.
You have to look forward and be happy in anticipation of what's coming. Be happy in anticipation of what's coming!
Philadelphia 6/11/09
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tom Murasso September 16 at 4:23am
Most of you have been hard on yourselves for a long time.
It doesn't matter who the object of your attention is when you are loving.
When you love, you are in the vortex.
So find a child and love them, and in the vortex you'll go.
Find a dog and love him, and into the vortex you'll go.
Find a flower and appreciate it, and into the vortex you'll go.
And once you have shown yourself what a lover you can be,
then you can begin turning that lens of love toward yourself.
Asheville 5/29/09
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Check to see if you are trying to be the manager of the world!

I realized that I need to be posting where I am as I take this journey... so as we journey together, I will post how I am doing here.
My life has taken a lot of twists and turns. I have lived in several states by choice and circumstances.
I spend my days and trust me, its not easy at times to focus on the desire of things the way I want them instead of what is.
Some days I wonder if there can be too much negativity on my part to allow the positive energy to flow?
This morning when I woke up... this quote hit the spot!
Nina Ferrell September 13 at 6:52am
Most people believe that control of conditions and of others is the key to feeling better, but that belief is the greatest flawed premise of all.
The belief that if you could get all circumstances to change so that your observation of them would then feel good to you defies the Laws of the Universe, as well as your reason for being here.
It was never your intention to control everything around you. It was your intention to control the direction of your thought.
The Vortex pg. 11
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Astonishing Power Of Emotions

Begoña Lozano September 11 at 7:03am
When you discover the factor of relief that is available through your downstream intention, you will discover the path to true freedom - freedom from the bondage that comes trying to control others when your only work is to control the vibration of your being.
The best part of this understanding is that no one else needs to possess or apply this knowledge. You can apply it whether anyone else does or not; and when you do, your world will become exactly as you want it to be. And that is the "control" you have been seeking. That is the secret to life that humans have been looking for.
The Astonishing Power of Emotions, page 161
Powerful Beings
Cool comments here You are powerful beings, and when you do not exercise your power,
you don't take it very well. When you’re not loving you don't take it
very well because you are a lover! When you don't are feeling out of
balance, you don't take it very well because you are enormously
balanced beings, and when you don't thrive you don't take it very
well, because you are meant to thrive, and at the core of your being
you are a stable basis of knowledge and wellbeing and when you
deviate it because of the attention to one thing or another, you
don't take it well. Friends you’re not supposed to do well in the
feeling of negative emotion.
Negative emotion is your indicator that you are out of
balance. Doesn't it give you relief to know that you don't have to
modify the behavior of your wife to feel better! Doesn't it give you
relief to realize that you don’t have to change the world in order to
see the world the way you want it to be! Isn’t it reassuring to you to
understand that life is good and getting better! Negative emotion
means you've expanded and your not letting yourself go! We always put
the emphasis on the 'you've expanded part' ..Art of allowing is
letting yourself be by deliberate choice of your thoughts and words
and behavior, it’s letting yourself be a closer match to who you
really become. And when you are not doing that, you want to blame
everybody, because it just feels rotten to not be who you really
But don't lay it on their doorstep. It’s an inside job- it’s a
vibrational job- it’s an attitude job-it’s a moodable job-it’s an energy
job-it’s a I wanna feel better job, it’s an I can control how
Find The Good

"So you’re so angry at your mate, or your mother, or someone... someone you work with, someone you work for. And they just seem to be ruining your life, Because they will not change their behavior. You do not seem to be important enough to them to change their behavior which hurts your feelings a great deal.
And then you discover “Wait a minute! They don’t have to change a thing in order for me to feel better. I can start looking for positive aspects. I can look for things within them that make me feel good.”... “Oh that’s impossible” you say... “there is so much that is bad and not much that’s good. In fact I haven’t seen a glimmer of anything that’s good for so very long.” And we say, there are other subjects to which you could give your attention. “Well maybe” you say reluctantly. “My dog. My dog is easy to love.. or my cat.” And we say... do whatever it takes to find something to be your object of attention. And as you give your attention to something that allows you to feel good, you’ve done something about this relationship that was bothering you. In fact, if you will make it your work to feel good, every relationship that you have will be one that pleases you.
...So that when you come together with this person or these people that what they mostly show you is that part that is most active in your vibration - did you hear that? What they mostly show you is the part that is most active in YOUR VIBRATION!.. It’s such a wonderful thing... did you hear that? What they keep showing you is the part of them that is most active in YOUR vibration. And all this time you thought it was their doing!"
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Law Of Attraction

Appreciation is the secret to life: You could never attend a gathering like this and listen to Infinite Intelligence expressing from the broader view, in other words, you could never have an experience like this, and you could just have a little seed that was offered to you by someone, maybe your grandmother or a teacher, that said — “Become a person who appreciates.”
That is the secret to life. Without knowing anything about Law of Attraction, without knowing anything about Vibration, without ever knowing anything about anything, you would thrive, you would fulfill your reason for being, you would be an extension of who you really are. Every moment of your experience would be as full as it could possibly be. In other words, that one tool: become a person who appreciates.
Asheville, October 2000
Thursday, September 3, 2009
What is tripping you up!

What's tripping you up is, you meet with people who are easy to coax into the vortex, so they get results. And you meet with people who aren't easy to coax into the vortex, so they don't get results. And then you say, "This work, it doesn't work!"
And we say, "It doesn't work unless you work it!"
If you don't get that you are a vibrational being, and you don't pay attention to your emotions and figure out how to cause a merging of the vibration of your being, then you are right, you won't get that leverage.
A person inside the vortex is more powerful than a million outside. A leader in the vortex, working with the Laws of the Universe, is an effective leader. And leaders outside the vortex are working really hard and just banging around and not much is happening.
So we agree with you conceptually that the presentation we offer is not difficult to get your thoughts around. We also acknowledge that most of you have been offering enough thoughts that are vibrationally divergent from who you are and what you want, that it takes some time and some effort to show yourself what like can be like inside the vortex.
San Antonio, TX 4/18/09

The Moment Of Your Birth
In the moment of your birth, a part of the Consciousness that is you focused itself into your physical body, and your first relationship began: the relationship between the physical you and the Non-Physical You. Here we come upon a significant flawed premise, or misunderstanding, of many - in fact, most - of our physical human friends:
Flawed Premise #1:
I am either physical or Non-Physical, either dead or alive.
Many people do not understand that they existed before their physical birth. Many others believe that if they existed in the Non-Physical before their birth, the Non-Physical part of them ceased to be once they were born into this body. In other words, "I am either Non-Physical, either dead or alive"
We want you to remember that while you are focused here in this leading edge body in this leading edge time, the eternal, Non-Physical, older, wiser, larger part of you remains Non-Physically focused. and because that Non-Physical part of you exists, and because YOU exist, there is an Eternal, undeniable relationship between those two important aspects of you.
This relationship (this Vibrational relationship) that exists between the physical you and the Non-Physical You is significant for many reasons:
1. The emotions that you feel (your Emotional Guidance System) are because of the relationship between these two Vibrational parts of you.
2. As you reach for new thoughts and expansion, out here on the Leading Edge of life, you have the benefit of the stable knowledge of your Non-Physical counter part.
3. As you reach for new thoughts and expansion, out here on the Leading Edge of life, the Non-Physical part of you has the benefit of the expansion that you carve out of your physical experience.
4. Every other relationship you have (that is, with other people, with animals, with your own body, with money, with concepts and ideas, with life itself) is profoundly affected by this all-important relationship between you and You.
The Vortex
pages 13-14
Heading in the right direction

The Vortex
Jerry & Esther Hicks
page 10-11