Monday, August 24, 2009

Quit Focusing on What is!

I thought this was sooo good. I got this in my email today from Tom Murasso on FB. This is from the Abraham Hicks seminars. I love the Abraham Hicks stuff! I hope this Abraham Hicks Stuff helps people, I get so much out of this!!

You are so focused upon "what is" that you're not letting yourself easily go in the direction toward what life is calling you toward.

That's why there's the tension within you You are so focused upon "what is."

"What is", is just the bouncing off place – for so much more.

There's no ending to how much fun you can have. There's no ending to how much wonderful financial remuneration will come to you.

Or how many wonderful contacts will come to you. In other words, YOU'RE JUST BEGINNING YOUR LIFE EXPERIENCE.

All that you've lived that has come up to this point is minuscule in comparison with what you now know & who you NOW ARE.

That's why we are so exhilarated about what's before you. "What is", is just the bouncing off place for so much more.

You are where you are. And where you are is really, really, really, really, really, really good.

Bouncing Off Place - Law of Attraction Directly From Source CD
ks video

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