I was born at night but it wasn't last night! and I didn't just get off the turnip truck! But I sit and wonder in amazement about what makes people happy and feel satisfied that they have abused people. Whether it is Verbal, or Physical.
I live with a man I used to dream about... and to know that I have found someone that I love so very deeply, and loves me back, makes my heart sing. I have seen so much goodness and kindness in this man, Nite. He always sees the good in everyone. He supports his children with his kind words and loves them with out end.
His daughter is very much like him and loves so unconditionally. Even the friends she has that do things that are not nice or good. She continues to see the good in people and I admire that so deeply.
I see people in my life that just thrive on drama and abuse to others to make themselves look good. It must really be a sad life if that is what one lives for.
I have never until the day I met Nite understood what real unconditional love is. We both are divorced in RL and I think you learn about people when you get divorced. I think you learn things that you never saw in them before.
My heart hurts tonight because of mean people and how they enjoy and I mean enjoy so much that its scary too see the glee in their eye to tear someone down.
We wonder why this world has so much "its all about me". I was really angry tonight but then I realized, why , why am I angry? because someone I love was being abused by another, that's one of the reasons I am angry. But I sat and started to think, why does this really make me so angry...? I think the reason it makes me so hurt and angry is because, its lies... basically its just lies.
Why does an alcholic beat her/his husband/wife when she/he doesn't do or act the way she/he wants? or berates him/her because he/she doesn't do what ever, its her/his insecurities and hate.... she/he has to always make herself/himself feel better.
Why does an abuser always have a reason for the abuse? because the abuser has to justify the abuse. AGAIN its the hate and insecurities for self . Has to make Her/Himself feel better.
"We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us" (Aldo Leopold). Replace land with people...
"We abuse people because we regard them as a commodity belonging to us"
In the USA we are the country of the free which means no one belongs to anyone in the sense of ownership.
People also seem to drag as many into the pot either to hope others will side with them or to reach farther to hurt as many as possible. It always make people feel better when others support you. And sometimes people will agree just to keep the abuser feeling good...cause in essence they are hoping they will stay in good graces.
My heart just hurts at what people will do to tear someone down and I see it over and over in everyday life.
I am so grateful for my kids, Adam, and Alex, my sweet boyfriend, Nite and his daughter, Ashlee because they are so wonderful and ALWAYS see the best in others, EVEN when others have struck out and done very wrong things to them.
I do blog on this blog very infrequently but when I do its usually a dramatic moment in SL or RL. I dont play SL anymore, because my RL is very fulfilling and I don't have that void any longer that I am looking for SL to fill.
SL has great purpose for many and I think SL has its place but sometimes you outgrow something that was so fulfilling at one time, that just means growth! and that's a good thing, you should always be growing or something is wrong.
So I am wishing upon a star that we as people can wish for kindness and compassion for others...
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