GUEST: It's just that there never seems to be enough...
ABRAHAM: You have stated it perfectly. "There is never enough." And as you set forth these words, "There is never enough..."
That is enough. We will not say it again. (Group laughter)
Now, here is the bridge: "There has not been enough. That has been my experience. But that was before I understood what I understand now. Now, I know that there is enough, for I see it in others. I see others doing things with money that I would not do. (wasting it) I know that there is an abundance of money. And I know that I will find a way to begin attracting it in to my experience. There is enough. It is just that I have not, to this point, attracted it and I am in the process of doing that now. I know there is enough. I know there is more than enough.
"I know that there is not one 'pot of gold' that everyone must dip into. But that we are the creators of abundance, and that the Universe will supply all that is wanted by all of us who will allow it.
"And so, I see this never-ending waterfall of abundance and, while I have gone to the waterfall most of my life, with a very little container, I am recognizing now that it has only been that I have taken a very small container. There is enough for all of us. I am not depriving another if I take a larger container. It is not that it is not there, it is that I have not taken a large enough container to allow more. And so, now I am! I am opening a wider passageway for the receiving of more abundance.
"And while there has not been enough in the past, there will be more than enough in the future, for that is my current desire and I am creator of my experience. There is more than enough. There is more than enough. THERE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH. THERE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH! THERE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!"
And it will be yours.
From Abraham-Hicks A NEW BEGINNING I, Ninth printing, pp 205-207
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