Beautiful newly renovated ocean front sim.
Luxury rentals at an affordable price. Units starting at L$420/wk 150 prims.
Located on a very quiet residential sim.
The Community of Leilehua offers many amenities such as in home radio controlled by you, lockable doors, privacy blinds, local pub, sailing, and one of the best fishing places in all of SL.
We also offer boat docks and water canals to take your boat for a spin.
We at The Community of Leilehua want to offer a luxurious living space at a very affordable rate.
We have a very dedicated staff and you will be happy that you decided to make The Community of Leilehua home!
Please IM Jordon Flanagan with any questions.
Keywords: Rent Rental, community, fishing, bar, pub, peaceful, date, dating, skinny dipping, swimming, sailing, sail, dolphins, dolphin, apartments, houses, lands, skybox, condos, condo, townhouse, townhouses