I have learned to live again and learned how to be awakened. I love Hawaii, I love that things progressed from SL to RL and have added an amazing chapter to my life!
I have been learning about the things to stop and smell the roses about, the things to laugh about again and the small...hey I love you things that happen every day.

I am going to be performing at the Stadium in Honolulu on Saturday and Sundays and the local PX on the military base during the week.
I am loving this chapter in my life and being with Nite for the last 2.5 years in SL as just very good friends has just added so many dimensions to RL. It has just made SL so real by moving things as friends into RL.
His daughter is an amazing young lady with a dynamic magnetic personality and I have loved learning about her, laughing with her and listening to what makes her happy or sad.