Headed back to Charlotte and will get to all the IM's tomorrow... Take the time today to laugh!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Headed back to Charlotte and will get to all the IM's tomorrow... Take the time today to laugh!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Life couldnt be better
I am so happy...happier than I have ever been. I am in Georgia at the moment headed back to Charlotte tomorrow. I have found adventure in Life and am looking forward to finding more! I have a very exciting month coming up and I will post more on that later...
I never thought a person being in your life could bring you so much Joy, but I have found that with my best friend and hero!!
For me the glass is always half full and as a good friend told me, the rest is just a surprise waiting to happen :)
DON'T let others steal your Joy..DON'T focus on the negativity of others....and DON'T worry..Be Happy :)
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Island Update
Hey Hey Good News...
I have officially sold both islands. Smallville Village was sold to Kris Spade and Gemini Enfield. Masquerade Island was sold to Love Brokken and Niecee Morenz. I will be refunding all rents this weekend. You do not have to remove any items. I am wanting you all to be able to pay rent to the new rental boxes so I will be refunding. Love and Niecee will be sending out a notice about when and how they are going to be remodeling the island.
I will still be around SL, just focusing more on the VWBB after April of 2007. In the next few months I am going to embarking on an adventure of a life time with my dear RL roomate Alex Winnfield. I again want to thank everyone of you for helping me accomplish my goals in SL
I will be taking a semi leave of absence to prepare for my RL adventure.
Love you all and thank you all for adding to the greatness of my Second Life!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day
Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated on February 14. In North America and Europe, it is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other by sending Valentine's cards, presenting flowers, or offering confectionery. The holiday is named after two early Christian martyrs named Valentine. The day became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.
Numerous early Christian martyrs were named Valentine. Until 1969, the Catholic Church formally recognized eleven Valentine's Days. The Valentines honored on February 14 are:
- Valentine of Rome (Valentinus presb. m. Romae): a priest in Rome who suffered martyrdom about AD 269 and was buried on the Via Flaminia. His relics are at the Church of Saint Praxed in Rome.[1] and at Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland.
- Valentine of Terni (Valentinus ep. Interamnensis m. Romae): He became bishop of Interamna (modern Terni) about AD 197 and is said to have been killed during the persecution of Emperor Aurelian[citation needed]. He is also buried on the Via Flaminia, but in a different location than Valentine of Rome. His relics are at the Basilica of Saint Valentine in Terni (Basilica di San Valentino).
The Catholic Encyclopedia also speaks of a third saint named Valentine who was mentioned in early martyrologies under date of 14 February. He was martyred in Africa with a number of companions, but nothing more is known about him.
Some sources say the Valentine linked to romance is Valentine of Rome, others say Valentine of Terni.[citation needed] Some scholars (such as the Bollandists[citation needed]) have concluded that the two were originally the same person. In any case, no romantic elements are present in the original Early Medieval biographies of either of these martyrs.
An overview of attested traditions relevant to the holiday is presented below, with the legends about Valentine himself discussed in the end.
All that glitters is not gold...continued
Usually when I write in general I will never use peoples names just out of respect, unless of course, I have gotten their permission.
I can tell you that I have only met a few people from SL and the last time I met anyone in RL from SL was approximately 4 months ago and that was my special little Mattie. I was able to meet her in Oklahoma where my son was attending and graduating from boot camp.
I have not met any new friends from SL in RL...
Friday, February 1, 2008
Dear Friends of Smallville Village and Masquerade Island,
over the last 6 months I have been dealing with some serious RL situations and illnesses.
SL has been my saving grace over the last 2 years. I have to make some decisions about removing some of the stressful areas in my life.
I have found buyers for each of the islands and will reveal the names of the new owners when the sales are complete.
Both parties have assured me that they will attempt to keep the islands similar to what they are now, basically, kids oriented sims or family environment.
once the islands have officially sold, I will be refunding everyones land purchase prices at 10L per meter, that way if the new owner needs to resell the plots you can give him/her the funds.
I thank you all for all the support you have given me through out my SL.